Carmella Cuva
About Carmella
Before her 50th birthday Carmella ran over 30 marathons, including the elite tri-fecta Boston Marathon, Big Sur International Marathon and . . . . .
An avid runner, she’s covered hundreds of trail miles as well. Carmella runs with a wide grin and open arms for everyone. Known for her warm embrace and sincere heart, she built a strong supportive community on the Monterey Peninsula.
Carmella loved her work as a RN in the Out Patient Surgery Center at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP). Providing comfort and peace for patients pre-surgery provided her with great job satisfaction.
January 11, 2022, after a morning run with “the regulars”, a friend offered to follow her home, noticing she was not feeling well. Soon after, her son brought her to CHOMP emergency. Carmella was having a stroke. The ED staff immediately arranged a ride to Stanford Medical Center to undergo immediate brain surgery. Carmella grew a clot in her cerebellum, a clot that changed her life forever.
Training for the 2023 Big Sur Marathon
Timeline for Stroke Recovery
January 11
Stroke Airlift Stanford.
January 12
Carmella’s paralyzed face moves into a smile when she sees Micah.
Battling swelling on the brain.
On oxygen.
Very little, though some movement on her left side.
January 15
Lots of greeting cards, smile and eye contact.
Breathes on her own, no more O2.
A little more movement on affected side
January 17
Dad was able to connect three of us girls to speak to her over the phone or Facetime.
She shared many smiles!
Engaged in conversation! (Imagine Carmella being talkative ;)
And started PT!!
January 18
Ambulance back to CHOMP Main Pavillion
January 19
She signed her first and last name today!
She rose her left leg approximately 5" off the bed!
She sang with Dad.
And she received lots of "nurses" attention!
She continues to move new areas of her body every day.
January 20
New PEG line to increase her mobility and engage more in PT! All tubes are out of her nose-she likes this!
January 22
Set back Dr’s find an infection. Antibiotics.
Sat in a chair for 5 hours today. This up from 20 minutes a week ago!!
January 24
Carmella is in strict rehab.
She’s a new resident in the acute rehab unit!
Director of the unit asked Carmella to slow down. One word at a time, one move at a time.
January 25
She walked.
She climbed a couple of stairs.
She stood in place.
She demonstrated good core activation.
She kept both eyes open during her PT session.
(Vision will be further assessed later in the rehab process.)
January 26
She and her dear PT's marched back and forth four times.
While her challenges to full recovery persist, she is breaking barriers every day. Seriously, the girl walked back and forth four times today. She received tremendous support from the amazing physical therapists in the IRU.
Occupational therapy presents several opportunities for focused attention. Her large motor skills seem to return with a measure of ease. The smaller motor skills which require more attention in all of us, demand her full focus and concerted effort.
Today, this was Carmella's plight. The OT invited her to connect her thumb with one of her other fingers. You and I can do this without a thought. For Carmella, at this stage of healing, it takes concerted effort and exhausting concentration to connect those fingers on her left hand.
January 28
I write you tonight from Carmella's room.
She is lying peacefully surrounded with cards, balloons and flowers.
Picture with me if you will, a waterfall ponytail with hair pouring out the top, a strand of white pearls, catching the reflection of a little glimmer of an outside light. And Carmella, sleeping, free for a few hours of all the agitations.
Anyone who has been hospitalized for more than a couple of days can appreciate the little agitations which come from being away from your own home and bed.
Today, Carmella moved forward in digestion. Instead of a continual flow of nutrients, they are feeding her a few times a day allowing her body to adjust to digesting periodic meals. The staff takes great care to give her the last serving at 9 PM to provide a way for uninterrupted sleep through the night. Such kind consideration.
Yesterday, her PT sessions was one of total awe. She balanced by herself and took a few steps completely UNASSISTED! Today, PT was a challenge and her balance escaped her. This is all NORMAL. Remember three steps forward, one step back- is still net 2.
Speech pathology:
In session today, she crunched on the crushed ice. She worked with intense concentration and swallowed. I think we can all agree, crushed ice is one of the redeeming benefits of a hospital stay, it certainly is not the coarse blankets. :) I diverge.
She rests a lot, but is awake and alert a little more each day.
She doesn't love her boot on her left foot. First thing she did when arrived was try to kick it off. I acquiesced. I was later gently reprimanded. It bothers Carmie and I wanted her to feel comfortable.
Tomorrow will bring new challenges, new joys. Big and small victories await. But let's not forget the daily toil needed for these victories. She works hard to communicate. She works hard to be kind even when she is uncomfortable. I think we can focus our prayer for the coming few days and seek God for his grace to her and that Carmella would find grace for herself.
January 30
This morning, Carmella found a way to call Micah-her son.
She called to know if he was coming over for a visit today and if he could bring her favorite jammies.
Thank goodness, he was just a few minutes from heading to CHOMP.
This brings me a little chuckle in my heart because I'm imaging all the steps necessary to place a call; especially with their STRICT NO PHONE policy!!
Convince the nurse to let her.
Have the nurse help her.
Remember Micah's phone number
Communicate what she wanted from him -over the phone without any "talking" aid.
And get the result she wanted - her favorite jammies and a visit from her son!! YAY Carmie!
When there is a will, there is a way!!
January 31
Her smile is evening out.
She is raising her left arm and leg-the large motor skills are returning quickly.
She carried on a good conversation with dad.
He wrote out a reminder for her to read each day. Ask the Holy Spirit to be your help.
Carmella pulled tissues out of the tissue box with her left hand!! Think about this for a moment- the concentration last week required to bring two fingers together and now she's making a mess in her room pulling the tissues out of the box!!
February 2
I have a challenge for each of us. Today the PT made Carmella do backward bear crawls. You heard me right. She was on all fours and had to move backwards left leg, right hand, right leg, left hand. Your turn. On all fours, get down and try this incredibly tough challenge. Bi-lateral engagement of her brain! I can't do this well on my best day! She moved forward and back two sets.
In good Comeback Carmie style, when the PT asked if she's tired, she fell prostrate on the mat, said "yes" and then raised her finger to indicate, "Give me one minute and let's go again." And she did!!
February 6
This very sun was the impetus to getting Carmella outside for PT. And in honor of the AT&T, she picked up a putter and put it in the hole!! Seriously, there is a little putting green right out side her window. It was a beautiful day! She walked two laps, up and down the ramp and played golf.
This girl set her eyes on the goal and did not waver. Not once did she look to the right or to the left.
Her eyes were fixed.
I have a new appreciation for Paul's letter to the Philippians when he exhorter t the believers in living in Philippi to fix their eyes on the goal which is Christ Jesus.
Over the years, Carmella has developed this discipline, whether in running or in the Word of God to fix her eyes on the goal and this discipline and determination are paying big dividends!!
She progresses so quickly I can scarce keep up.
February 8
This morning she experience tremendous success walking to and fro to the hospital gym. She climbed and descended the stairs. Now, she is wiped out, resting, her eyes closed and recovering to prepare for her next therapy-EATING!!
Today she will eat meat and vegetable mash. It don't matter how it's served at this point, it is food!!!
She speaks of when she will go home.
February 23
Carmella moved home!